The reality of a brain injury and/or brain-based disorder diagnosis on a family can be challenging, leave some feeling lost/hopeless, wondering where they can build a sense of community, how they will care for affected loved ones, how they will be able to afford equipment, what education and career pathways might look like for affected loved ones, and much more. We want you to know that there are resources available, and that there is a community out there, including iBRAIN, who is committed to special education, research, and innovation in this field as we focus on improving the quality of life for everyone affected by brain injuries and brain-based disorders; this undoubtedly includes families. Below are some resources we find are helpful for families. We will update/add resources monthly.

American Epilepsy Society


Brain Injury Association of America - BIAA created a helpful pamphlet for families and caregivers of children with brain injuries that covers a range of topics.


Brain Injury Rights Group (BIRG)


Brainline - All About Brain Injury and PTSD 


Center for Parent Information and Resources  


Cerebral Palsy Family Network




Disability Awareness


Epilepsy Foundation

Epilepsy Foundation 24/7 Helpline


Family Caregiver Alliance- Traumatic Brain Injury


Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy


Head Injury Hotline  


iBRAIN Academy


National Brain Tumor Society


The Brain Injury Guide and Resources 

The Independent Little Bee


The Job Accommodation Network


ThinkFirst Foundation - National injury prevention program focused on preventing brain, spinal cord and other traumatic injuries through education, research and advocacy. 



Disclaimer: We hope you find these resources helpful, but please remember we do not control or endorse the information presented on these websites, nor do these sites endorse the information contained on our website.