Our Story

The International Institute for the Brain’s (iBRAIN) mission is to research, develop and implement special education, related services, and technology for students and adults with brain injury and brain-based disorders. As such, iBRAIN actively surveys a growing universe of emerging technologies, adaptive devices, and potential collaborations (local, national, and global) to optimize our students’ and patients’ cognitive improvement, physical performance, and emotional well-being. The Institute endeavors to innovate, develop, acquire, and disseminate knowledge through interdisciplinary and international collaborations that produce translational scientific achievements to effect paradigm-shifting interventions that improve the quality of life for those with brain-based disorders. 

Consistent with our mission and goals, iBRAIN offers postgraduate continuing education and training opportunities to our dedicated staff and the broader professional community (and to families, too!). Through our Postgraduate Continuing Education program, innovative, professional, intellectual, and creative development among professionals who are always learning is the outcome we are working toward. In this way, learners who participate in iBRAIN’s programs will be able to grow both individually and as professionals to collectively move the world of rehabilitation forward.

If you would like to learn more about where it all began and more about our academy, please visit iBRAINnyc.org.


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