Course curriculum

  1. 01
    • A Message From the Instructor: Welcome and Course Overview

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...A Pre-Knowledge Check!

  2. 02
    • Module 1 Introduction, Description & Learning Objectives

    • Module 1 Pre-Quiz

    • History of Hearing Augmentation

    • Types and Degrees of Hearing Loss

    • Listen & Watch: Perceptions of Hearing Loss

    • Module 1 Reflection

    • Foundations of Hearing/Hearing Loss Handout (Review)

    • Test Your Learning: Module 1 Post-Quiz

  3. 03
    • Module 2 Introduction, Description & Learning Objectives

    • Module 2 Pre-Quiz

    • How We Hear: What is Sound?

    • Vestibular Influence On Hearing

    • Background of Deaf Culture

    • Watch & Listen: What is Deaf Culture?

    • Test Your Learning: Module 2 Post-Quiz

  4. 04
    • Module 3 Introduction, Description & Learning Objectives

    • Module 3 Pre-Quiz

    • Auditory Skills

    • Auditory Perception

    • Auditory Skills, Feedback Loop, & Memory

    • Test Your Learning: Module 3 Post-Quiz

  5. 05
    • Final Quiz Instructions

    • Final Quiz (Post): Foundations of Hearing and Hearing Loss (Recall)

    • Course Evaluation Survey Instructions

    • Course Evaluation