Course curriculum

  1. 01
    • A Message From the Instructor: Welcome and Course Overview

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...A Pre-Knowledge Check!

    • Pre-Test: Experience Books

  2. 02
    • Introduction & Objectives

    • Modalities in Storytelling

    • Watch: What is Multimodal Writing?

    • Watch: A Closer Look at Multimodality

    • Modalities: Text to Text, Text to Self, & Text to World

    • Review UDL Guidelines

    • Discussion Practice: Check for Understanding

    • Watch: An Example of One Experience Book Making Process

    • Additional Examples of Experience Learning Books

  3. 03
    • Review: Student Handout

    • Additional Resource: Worksheet 1

    • Additional Resource: Worksheet 2

    • Post-Test Instructions

    • Post-Test: Experience Books- A Road to UL

    • Course Evaluation Survey Instructions

    • Course Evaluation